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Kinga is available for commercial and private work around the globe.She specializes in Fine Art Intimate Portrait, Tango and Architecture Photography.Her experience in graphic design and painting helped to shape her present approach to photography.

She has published work in Hungarian ELLE, shot covers for Kreatív and Nők Lapja magazine, took photos for dance clothes advertising and took countless actor, opera singer, musician and tango, ballet and flamenco dancer portraits for various advertising purposes and private usage in Buenos Aires, New York and many places in Europe.

She has assisted Alexi Lubomirki and has done test shots for the New York ELITE model agency, as well as interior and architectural photography in Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard and Milano.

She has also captured the magical moments at many tango festivals and marathons in Buenos Aires, Lisbon, Napoli, Copenhagen, Syracusa, Prague, Amsterdam, Antalya, Berlin...

She loves to work with natural light and everyday people and has published a series of travel cards from her travels in South-East-Asia.
Kinga speaks English, Spanish, basic French and holds a valid passport.
For availability of dates please write to or call +36.20.963.8213 or use the form above.

Some of my clients include: ELLE, Kreatív, Nők Lapja magazin, Cosmax Beauty Salon, Tangolace, (Hungary), Tango Boutique Montreal (Canada), Minetti Ttheatre (New York) Adrian Iaies jazz pianist (Argentina) Iván Kamarás actor (Hungary/Hollywood) Enzo Capuano opera singer (Italy) Emika Oguro classical pianist (Japan) Mathias Kahler actor (Vienna) Maria Celeng opera singer, Yuka Asai ballet dancer, Katalin Inhof falmenco dancer, Zsofia Mautner food blogger (Hungary) and many argentinian tango dancers: Santiago Steele (New York) Fausto Carpino, Graziella Pulvirenti (Italy) Stephanie Fesneau, Malika Pitou-Nicolier, Dominique Bridge, Johana Cessiecq (Paris) Mariana Dragone, Yamila Ivonne, Marcelo El Chino Gutierrez (Argentina) Kara Wenham (Berlin) Haris Mihail (Greece) Ozgur Demir (Turkey ) Marina Marques (Brazil) and so on...